2002 Ron Paul 9:1
The war drums are beating,
louder and
louder. Iraq, Iran, and North Korea have been forewarned. Plans have
been laid
and, for all we know, already initiated, for the overthrow and
assassination of
Saddam Hussein.
2002 Ron Paul 9:2
Theres been talk of sabotage,
psychological warfare, arming domestic rebels, killing Hussein, and
even an
outright invasion of Iraq with hundreds of thousands of US troops. All
we hear
about in the biased media is the need to eliminate Saddam Hussein, with
regard for how this, in itself, might totally destabilize the entire
Middle East
and Central Asia. It could, in fact, make the Iraq "problem" much
2002 Ron Paul 9:3
The assumption is that, with
success in Afghanistan, we should now pursue this same policy against
country we choose, no matter how flimsy the justification. It hardly
can be
argued that it is because authoritarian governments deserve our wrath,
considering the number of current and past such governments that we
have not
only tolerated but subsidized.
2002 Ron Paul 9:4
Protestations from our Arab
allies are
silenced by our dumping more American taxpayer dollars upon them.
2002 Ron Paul 9:5
European criticism that the
States is now following a unilateral approach is brushed off, which
only causes
more apprehension in the European community. Widespread support from
the eager
media pumps the public to support the warmongers in the administration.
2002 Ron Paul 9:6
The pro and cons of how
Saddam Hussein actually is are legitimate. However, it is rarely
pointed out
that the CIA has found no evidence whatsoever that Iraq was involved in
terrorist attacks of 9/11.
2002 Ron Paul 9:7
Rarely do we hear that Iraq
has never
committed any aggression against the United States. No one in the media
questions our aggression against Iraq for the past 12 years by
bombing and imposed sanctions responsible for the deaths of hundreds of
thousands of children.
2002 Ron Paul 9:8
Iraqs defense of her homeland
hardly be characterized as aggression against those who rain bombs down
on them.
We had to go over 6,000 miles to pick this fight against a third-world
with little ability to defend itself.
2002 Ron Paul 9:9
Our policies have actually
served to
generate support for Saddam Hussein, in spite of his brutal control of
the Iraq
people. He is as strong today- if not stronger- as he was prior to the
Gulf War 12 years ago.
2002 Ron Paul 9:10
Even today, our jingoism
ironically is
driving a closer alliance between Iraq and Iran, two long-time bitter
2002 Ron Paul 9:11
While we trade with, and
subsidize to
the hilt, the questionable government of China, we place sanctions on
and refuse
to trade with Iran and Iraq, which only causes greater antagonism. But
if the
warmongers goal is to have a war, regardless of international law and
Constitution, current policy serves their interests.
2002 Ron Paul 9:12
Could it be that only through
war and
removal of certain governments we can maintain control of the oil in
region? Could it be all about oil, and have nothing to do with US
2002 Ron Paul 9:13
Too often when we dictate who
will lead
another country, we only replace one group of thugs with another- as we
just did
in Afghanistan- with the only difference being that the thugs we
support are
expected to be puppet-like and remain loyal to the US, or else.
2002 Ron Paul 9:14
Although bits and pieces of
administrations plans to wage war against Iraq and possibly Iran and
Korea are discussed, we never hear any mention of the authority to do
so. It
seems that Tony Blairs approval is more important than the approval of
American people!
2002 Ron Paul 9:15
Congress never complains about
its lost
prerogative to be the sole declarer of war. Astoundingly, Congress is
only too
eager to give war power to our presidents through the back door, by the
use of
some fuzzy resolution that the president can use as his justification.
And once
the hostilities begin, the money always follows, because Congress fears
criticism for not "supporting the troops." But putting soldiers in
harms way without proper authority, and unnecessarily, can hardly be
the way to
"support the troops."
2002 Ron Paul 9:16
Let it be clearly understood-
there is
no authority to wage war against Iraq without Congress passing a
Declaration of
War. HJ RES 65, passed in the aftermath of 9/11, does not even suggest
that this
authority exists. A UN Resolution authorizing an invasion of Iraq, even
if it
were to come, cannot replace the legal process for the United States
going to
war as precisely defined in the Constitution. We must remember that a
covert war
is no more justifiable, and is even more reprehensible.
2002 Ron Paul 9:17
Only tyrants can take a nation
to war
without the consent of the people. The planned war against Iraq without
Declaration of War is illegal. It is unwise because of many unforeseen
consequences that are likely to result. It is immoral and unjust,
because it has
nothing to do with US security and because Iraq has not initiated
against us.
2002 Ron Paul 9:18
We must understand that the
people become less secure when we risk a major conflict driven by
interests and not constitutionally authorized by Congress. Victory
under these
circumstances is always elusive, and unintended consequences are
This chapter appeared in Ron Pauls Congressional website at http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2002/cr022602.htm