(Mr. PAUL asked and was given permission
to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
1999 Ron Paul 8:1 Mr. PAUL.
Mr. Speaker, the threats
of bombing did not bring a peace agreement
to Kosovo. The President has no
authority to wage war, and yet Congress
says nothing.
1999 Ron Paul 8:2 When will Congress assume its war
power authority to rein in the President?
An endless military occupation
of Bosnia is ignored by Congress, and
the spending rolls on, and yet there is
no lasting peace.
1999 Ron Paul 8:3 For 9 years, bombing Iraq and killing
innocent Iraqi children with sanctions
has done nothing to restore stability to
Iraq, but it has served to instill an
ever-growing hatred toward America.
It is now clear that the threats of massive
bombing of Serbia have not
brought peace to Kosovo.
1999 Ron Paul 8:4 Congress must assume its responsibility.
It must be made clear that the
President has no funds available to
wage war without congressional approval.
This is our prerogative. Therefore,
the endless threats of bombing
should cease. Congress should not remain
1999 Ron Paul 8:5 Merely telling the President to reconsider
his actions will have little effect.
We must be firm and deny the
funds to wage war without our consent.
We live in a republic, not a monarchy.