(Mr. PAUL asked and was given permission
to address the House for 1
1998 Ron Paul 9:1 Mr. PAUL.
Mr. Speaker, the morning
papers today recorded that Russia was
providing weapons technology to Iraq.
We have known for years that China
has done the same thing. Does this
mean that we must attack them as
well as Iraq?
1998 Ron Paul 9:2 Instead, though, we give foreign aid
to both China and to Russia, so indirectly
we are subsidizing the very
weapons that we are trying to eliminate.
1998 Ron Paul 9:3 I would like to remind my colleagues
that bombing a country, especially one
halfway around the world that is not a
direct threat to our security, is not a
moral act. A moral war is one that is
defensive and a legal war is one that is
declared by Congress. We should only
pursue an act of war when our national
security is threatened.
1998 Ron Paul 9:4 Bombing will solve nothing. It will
open up a can of worms. We should not
condone it. We should not endorse it.
We should not encourage it.
1998 Ron Paul 9:5 Please think carefully before we permit
our President to pursue this war adventure.