Do Tax Cuts Cost the
Government Money?
October 23, 2006
don’t cost the government money, the government costs you money!
course it’s reasonable to demand that politicians cut spending when they cut
taxes. That’s
the definition of real fiscal conservatism: government should not take too much
from the private economy in taxes, but neither should it spend too much and run
up deficits. That’s
why I vote against the wasteful appropriations bills that relentlessly increase
federal spending year after year.
reject the notion that tax cuts harm the economy. The economy suffers when
government takes money from your paycheck that you otherwise would spend, save,
or invest. Taxes never create prosperity. Private-sector innovation and
productivity are the engines that drive our economy, regardless of what
politicians tell us.
reduction is my first priority in Congress. The reality is that most
working Americans lose about half of their incomes to federal, state, and local
taxes. “Tax Freedom Day,” representing the portion of the year you must work
to pay for government at all levels, is roughly June 1st for most
Americans. Imagine
all of your hard work this year between January and the end of May going to the
tax in particular should be eliminated as soon as possible-- the tax on Social
Security benefits.
Those benefits were never taxed between the 1930s and 1984.
Treating them as taxable income represents nothing more than a trick to
reduce Social Security benefits by stealth.
I supported legislation that successfully repealed a 1993 tax increase on
benefits, and my own bill, HR 180, would go further and eliminate all taxes on
Social Security. Our seniors paid taxes throughout their working lives to fund
the Social Security system, and it is immoral to tax them again on their
other taxes also must be reduced. Capital gains taxes are terribly
counterproductive, punishing those who save and invest. Payroll taxes impose a
tremendous compliance burden on businesses, especially smaller entrepreneurs who
cannot hire an accounting department. Federal gas taxes should be slashed to
provide taxpayers relief at the pump. Most importantly, federal spending must be
dramatically reduced so that all Americans can go back to working for themselves
instead of working to pay their taxes.