The Book of Ron Paul
1998 Ron Paul Chapter 1

Bombing Iraq Would Be The Result Of Flawed Foreign Policy

27 January 1998

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(Mr. PAUL asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

1998 Ron Paul 1:1
Mr. PAUL. Thank you, Mr. Speaker, it appears the administration is about to bomb Iraq. The stated reason is to force UN inspections of every inch of Iraqi territory to rule out the existence of any weapons of mass destruction. The President’s personal problems may influence this decision, but a flawed foreign policy is behind this effort.

1998 Ron Paul 1:2
Why is Iraq a greater threat to U.S. security than China, North Korea, Russia or Iran? They all have weapons of mass destruction. This makes no sense.

1998 Ron Paul 1:3
There was a time in our history that bombing foreign countries was considered an act of war, done only with a declaration by this Congress. Today, tragically, it is done at the whim of Presidents and at the urging of congressional leaders without a vote, except maybe by the UN General Council.

1998 Ron Paul 1:4
But the President is getting little support and a lot of resistance from our allies for this aggressive action.

1998 Ron Paul 1:5
Sadly, our policy in the Middle East has served to strengthen the hand of Hussein, unify the Islamic Fundamentalists and expose American citizens to terrorist attacks. Hussein is now anxious for the bombs to hit to further stir the hatred and blame toward America for all the problems he has inflicted on his people.


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